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Nicholas Mulholand

Resident Life Coordinator:

University of Northern Iowa

Nick has been my boss when I was an Resident Assistant for 2 years. His job as an Resident Life Coordinator is to overlook a residence hall along with its staff to best make campus a safe and communal as possible for students. 

Steve Mayhue

Teacher, Administrator, Coordinator

South Albany High School

Steve was my mentor teacher during my student teaching experience. He has been a true influence in how I strive to become the teacher I want to be. He has 20+ years of educational experience in multiple positions. 

Megan Balong

Field Experience Coordinator:

University of Northern Iowa

Megan is a jack of all trades. She has known me through the courses I've had with her as well as being my second field experience coordinator. She aids students in the next level of their field experience helping students to transition to teaching on their own. 

Luke Becker

Math (mentor) Teacher:

Holmes Junior High School

Luke was the teacher I shadowed during my level two field experience. He provided me with hands on classroom skills and techniques as well as provided me much needed feedback for my future career. He has seen me in the classroom more than anyone else has in my college career. 

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